Send Envelopes to Worksorted clients

Send envelopes to your Worksorted clients using Annature.

To get started, open the Worksorted dashboard from the left hand side menu.

From the Worksorted dashboard, click on the Open button next to the client to whom you want to send an envelope.

When opening a contact, you will be presented with some basic details from Worksorted, and can open that contact directly in your CRM.

Under Envelopes, you can view any historical envelopes sent to that contact.

To send a new envelope, press Create envelope.

This will automatically set up the envelope for syncing and fill in the recipient details based on the Worksorted client you selected. The yellow banner at the top of the envelopes confirms that Annature is syncing to Worksorted.

On the Review envelope section, you can select the Worksorted note category and sub-category.

To finish sending the envelope to your client, follow the instructions in this help article.

​After your client completes the envelope, a copy of the signed documents will automatically be pushed to Worksorted and added to the client's notes.