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Document Fields Overview
Updated over a week ago

You can place various types of fields on your documents for recipients to complete.

Some fields automatically populate with the recipient's data, while others require the recipient to enter information or make a choice. To learn more about adding fields, check out this help article.

Types of fields

  • Signature - Add this field for recipients who need to sign the document.

  • Initials - When the recipient interacts with this field, their initials will be automatically populated. Just like with the signature field, the recipient can choose to adopt their initials, draw them, or even upload an image of their initials.

  • Witness - This field enables you to prompt the recipient to provide witness details and obtain the witness's signature. Check this help article to learn more.

  • Date signed - This field is automatically filled in with the current date.

  • Text - You can use this field to prompt your recipient to enter any text as needed.

    • You can set the default text in this field through the field's property menu

    • You can utilise the Validation property to restrict the field's data entry to specific formats like BSB or Account numbers.

  • Name - This field is automatically populated with the recipient's name.

  • Email - This field is automatically populated with the recipient's email.

  • Mobile - If the recipient has a mobile number supplied, this field will be automatically populated with that number. If no mobile number is supplied, the recipient can manually enter their mobile number in this field.

  • Business - Similar to a text field, this field can be used to collect the business name of your recipient.

  • Position - Similar to a text field, this field can be used to collect the recipient's position.

  • Address - Similar to a text field, this field can be used to collect the recipient's address.

  • Checkbox - This field presents recipients with a standard square box to make one or multiple selections. You have the flexibility to add a single box or a group of multiple boxes. Check this help article to learn more.

  • Dropdown - This field offers a dropdown list of options for recipients to choose from. They can select only one value from the provided list. When adding the field, remember to specify the options for the dropdown in the property menu and select the default option to be displayed.

  • Attachment - This field enables you to prompt your recipient to upload a file to your envelope. To view the attachment uploaded by your recipient, simply navigate to the envelope and click on the icon beside the recipient shown below.

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