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Step 2: Send your first envelope

Learn how to create and send your envelope and experience how recipients receive and sign them.

Updated over a week ago

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In this step, we'll take you through the process of creating and sending your first envelope to yourself. This will give you a taste of what your recipients will experience when they receive and sign envelopes from your organisation.

An envelope serves as a virtual container that stores all relevant documents and information related to a specific transaction. An envelope can contain one or multiple documents and can be received by one or multiple recipients.

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Create and send your first envelope

To send an envelope to yourself, you'll need a document. Any document will suffice, but if you don't have one readily available, you can download our sample agreement.

Next, click on Send envelope on the upper left-hand side.

Next, upload your document. Click Browse files or drag and drop a document from your desktop.

Enter your name, email address, and phone number.

You can set roles for your recipient depending on what action you need them to take when they receive a document. For now, select Needs to sign.

Next, let's prepare the document you've uploaded by clicking Prepare documents.

You'll be redirected to a new page where you can add fields to your document. You can use fields to gather information from your recipients and guide them to where their signature is required.

For this exercise, let's add a signature field. Click and drag the Signature field on the left-hand menu, drop it where your document needs to be signed, and click Save Changes.

Next, name your envelope and enter a message. For this exercise, you can leave these fields as is. You can also see what the email would look like on the right-hand side.

Once you're ready, click Send envelope.

💡After successfully creating and sending your initial envelope, explore this link to understand how your recipients encounter the process of receiving and signing documents using Annature.

Now that you have successfully sent your first envelope and witnessed how easy it is for recipients to sign your documents, let's move on to the next step of streamlining your process even further - setting up groups and inviting your team members.

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