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Step 4: Setup templates

Learn how to create your first template and how to use them.

Updated over a week ago

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Templates make it easy to send frequently used documents for signing. You can quickly create an envelope with the same details and send it to recipients with convenience.

This article will guide you on setting up templates to expedite the process of sending envelopes.

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Create your first template

Click Templates on the left-hand side and click Create template

Going forward, the process will be similar to when you created your first envelope. To add documents for this template, you can either click on "Browse files" or simply drag and drop them from your desktop.

Next, define a placeholder for each recipient required the sign the documents (e.g. owner, buyer). You can also set the order in which the recipients need to sign the document.

Optional: Click on Options if you wish to add a pre-determined name and email for each recipient, require a password, or redirect recipients after they sign the documents.

💡Tip: You can utilise templates to apply pre-determined fields you've set when creating new envelopes from scratch.

Add the template's name, envelope name, and the message to its recipients.

💡Tip: If you've set up groups on your account, you can specify which groups you want to access this template and automatically share envelopes sent using this template to the sender's group.

Lastly, click Save template.

Create an envelope using a template

To use a template, click on Templates on the left-hand menu click Actions on the template you want to use and select Quick send.

A pop-up will appear which will show the envelope name you've set, the template's message to recipients, and the placeholder recipients.

At this stage, you can still change the envelope's name and its message if needed.

Next, add the full name, email address and phone number (rates may apply) of your recipients.

If you're satisfied with the contents of the template and you're ready to send it to your recipients, simply click Send envelope.

If you want to modify other details of the envelope, such as adding more recipients or documents, click Actions on the template you want to use and select Use template.

You can make any necessary changes just as you would when creating a new envelope.

Once you're ready, scroll to the bottom and click Send envelope.

You're ready to use Annature! In the next step, we'll provide you with some tips and next steps to help you get the most out of Annature.

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