Create a template

Templates can save you time by allowing you to apply the same fields and settings when creating new envelopes.

Click Templates on the left-hand side and click Create template

Going forward, the process will be similar to when you create an envelope. To add documents for this template, you can either click on Browse files or simply drag and drop them from your desktop.

Next, define a placeholder for each recipient to easily identify which recipient to add when using this template (e.g. owner, buyer). You can also set the order in which the recipients need to sign the document.

Optional: Click on Options if you wish to add a pre-determined name and email for each recipient, require a password, or redirect recipients after they sign the documents.

Add the template's name, envelope name, and the message to its recipients.

💡 If you've set up groups on your account, you can specify which groups you want to access this template and automatically share envelopes sent using this template to the sender's group.


Lastly, click Save template.