Sending an Envelope from HubSpot

Envelopes can be sent to a contact, company or deal in HubSpot.

An envelope can be created at any time against a contact, company or deal via the right hand side menu. This article covers how to create a new envelope and track it via the Annature menu inside of HubSpot. 

1. Create envelope

 Find the Annature menu on the right hand side panel and select 'send envelope'.

2. Prepare and send envelope

Once an envelope has been created, it will show as a placeholder and link to a draft envelope in Annature.

Press on the placeholder title to open the draft envelope in Annature, your recipient/s will be pre-filled in your Annature envelope, upload/prepare documents and send envelope like normal.

3. Track & manage envelope

Once your envelope has been sent, you can track it via the Annature menu in HubSpot.

The envelope name will be update with the details provided in Annature, and the envelope status will show as sent. You can also void and resend the envelope from the actions dropdown.

The envelope status will updated once all recipients have completed the envelope.