Send Envelopes to Xplan clients

Send envelopes to your Xplan clients using Annature

There are two ways to send envelopes to your Xplan clients using Annature:
Send envelopes using the Xplan dashboard

Send envelopes tab

From the Xplan integration page, click on the Open button next to the client you want to send an envelope to.

Under Envelopes, click Create envelope.

This will automatically set up the envelope for syncing and fill in the recipient details based on the Xplan client you selected.

On the Review envelope section, you can select the Xplan document type and subtype.

To finish sending the envelope to your client, follow the instructions in this help article.

After your client completes the envelope, a copy of the signed documents and its certificate of completion will automatically be pushed to Xplan and added to the client's file notes.

The file note will use the document type and subtype that you chose when creating the envelope.


Alternatively, you can click the Send envelope tab and upload the required documents.

Once the upload is complete, type the name of your Xplan contact and select it from the Address book dropdown suggestions.

The email address will sync automatically, and a banner will confirm that the envelope has been created from your Xplan integration and set up for automatic syncing.

On the Review envelope section, you can select the Xplan document type and subtype.

To finish sending the envelope to your client, follow the instructions in this help article.